Project to Mark the 70th Anniversary
of the Foundation of the United Nations

Outline of Upcoming Project
     January, 2015
For Eternal World Peace and Environmental Conservation
A Special Ceremony Featuring Statements by Students and Ambassadors in the World

◁Eb>The latest ceremony was held on October 25, 2010.
Ceremony (Video)
Award winners' works of haiku contest

“The Blue Star of Life E/font>
Produced by Mr. Yasuhiko Shiragata.

We conduct the project to:

1) Gather pebbles from 191 countries, all member states of the United Nations through youngsters' activities of peace and environment conservation and their international exchange.

2) Put them in the porcelain globe called “The Blue Star of Life,”which is placed in the European Headquarters of UN.

3) Hold a commemorative ceremony at the European Headquarters of UN in Geneva to mark the 65th anniversary of the Founding of the United Nations in October, 2010.

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