  Conserved in National Diet Library in Tokyo and Kyoto  

●砥部焼「生命の碧い星」&その小冊子・世界地図が、国会図書館 & 京都図書館へ


●2015年10月28日「第5回 GENEVA国際文化交流会 UN俳句3賞」を掲載しました。

●2015年度『"The Blue Star of Life" Dedication Ceremony 』を掲載しました。
-- For Eternal World Peace and Environmental Conservation --
Friday May 29th,2015 10:00am 〜

●国連創立70周年記念事業 滞在スケジュール(案)   2015/04/27  
  To mark the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the United Nations (Plan as of 2015/04/27) 


(1) 式典実施時期  2015年10月28日(予定)
式典実施場所  スイス ジュネーブ 国連欧州本部

(2) 国連訪問団(学生) 予定:2015年10月24日〜30日(日本集合/解散)

(3) 参加学生の人数・国籍
人数: 合計10名。
内訳: 日本から約3名
アメリカと東南アジア(U.S.A. ハワイ、韓国、中国、ベトナム、インドネシア、カンボジア、モンゴル、)各国1名

(4) 参加資格
世界の平和と地球環境保護に対して問題意識を持ち、国際的に将来活躍の抱負を持つ15〜24歳の青少年。 海外学生とディベートをし、国際機関担当者と積極的に意見交換できる英語力をもっていること。

(5) 参加学生の主なミッション



●式典後、国際交流の夕べを実施。その他、国際機関(IOC /UN、IUCN、WHO、UNESCOな どを予定)を訪問し、国際機関担当者から直接ブリーフィングを受け、意見交換をする。


Outline of Upcoming Project

“The Blue Star of Life” (TBSL) Project to Mark the 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of the United Nations

(1) Date and Venue of the ceremony
Date: October 28, 2015 (expected)
Venue: at the European Headquarters of the United Nations

(2) Schedule of the Student Delegation
October 24-28, 2015 (Tokyo-Geneva/Paris-Tokyo)

(3) Nationalities of Student Representatives
Several Japanese participants are expected. One student from each country is to be selected from among Korea, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, India, Brunei, Mongolia, the Philippines, Myanmar, or U.S.

(4) Student Qualifications
Student representatives to participate in the TBSL Ceremony are to be aged 15-24 and must have enough English proficiency to communicate with other members and to actively participate in a discussion, have a strong interest in world peace and the environment, and have a strong intention to be international leaders in future.

(5) Mission for the Students

●At the ceremony, each of the students will deliver a 2-minute speech on world peace and environmental protection in English and put the pebbles into “The Blue Star of Life” vase together with Ambassadors in Geneva.

●In the course of preparation, the students will send letters to the appropriate official organization or ministry, requesting them to arrange for suitable pebbles to be brought from their respective countries as well as for a short statement on world peace and environment protection from the heads of state to be given, if possible.

●All the students are required to get together in Tokyo and go through a rehearsal of speech and join a reception to know each other better, before they leave Japan for Geneva on the TBSL delegation tour the next day. They are also expected to pay a visit to the Japanese Prime Minister’s office during their stay in Tokyo.

●After the ceremony, a “Cultural Exchange Party” is to be held. Ambassadors accredited to the International Organizations will be invited to it. A study tour to some international organizations(IOC /UN, IUCN, WHO, UNESCO)are also being planned.

●Each student needs to have a wrap-up meeting every night with his or her colleagues and write an essay about what has been learned, which will be compiled into a delegation report later.

Copyright (C) 2004 TBSL All rights reserved.